Sunday, September 28, 2008


I had a treat this weekend--getting a little grown-up conversation and spiritual inspiration at a ladies' retreat at my church. It was called "Recreation and Re-Creation" and it was all about recognizing the abundance that God has for each of us and how to tap into that. The speaker was Jill Baughan, a Richmond native who actually lives close by. She was a total hoot. We had a lot of fun and learned some valuable lessons. I am a member of the FLO Crew (FLO stands for "For Ladies Only") at my church and we organized the event. I thought it went great. We were disappointed in the turnout, but God knows best and I have no doubt that the women in attendance were touched by the message.

Andrew continues to cry and spit up. We actually took him to the dr on Thursday evening because he screamed (I mean WAY above and beyond his normal fussing) for several hours and I could do nothing to console him. We saw a great doctor who was very thorough and very understanding of my concern, but he couldn't find anything wrong beyond what we already know...severe reflux and possible milk allergy. We are still giving him the "liquid gold" formula and not seeing much of a difference. I am giving him until Thursday, which will be a full week from when we started giving him 100% of the new formula. If we still don't see a difference I will talk to Laura (nurse practitioner) again.

This week we don't have a lot going on. Which is a good thing!

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