Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What's up with the Whittingtons

Rick is busy with work but finding time to ride his bike and go to football games. Now that the Hokies have won two in a row things are looking up! He is teaching Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University at church.

Steph started Beth Moore's Bible study on Revelation and is LOVING it! She is enjoying having some "Mama and Andrew" time now that Abby is in school.

Abby is loving First Grade (except for doing homework). She started GA's at church this year and can't wait for the bake sale on Wednesday. She is very excited about her Halloween costume--an Egyptian princess.

Andrew goes to childcare at church while Mama is at Bible study and enjoys playing with his friends. He also goes to the peanut shop to play with Whitt on Thursdays. His favorite "DVDV" right now is Elmo Goes to the Firehouse.

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