Saturday, July 31, 2010

True Stories

The following has all happened WHILE I AM TRYING TO TAKE A SHOWER!

1. Abby comes in the bathroom to use the toilet. I tell her to go in the other bathroom. She says she can't because Andrew locked that door. Okay, first I really don't want someone pooping in the room where I am trying to get clean. Second, she did not mention that Andrew had locked himself in the bathroom. Thank goodness the light was on in there and the toilet seat was down.

2. At least one and usually both of them come in while I am in the shower to inform me they'd like something to drink. Because, sure, I'll hop out of the shower dripping wet with shampoo in my hair to go to the kitchen and pour you something.

3. It never fails---they are always either both engaged in something different and leaving each other alone or playing nicely together when I sneak away to take a shower. But the minute that water turns on it's "Mom! Andrew took such-and-such away from me" or "Mama! Abby!" (meaning Abby did something he did not like). I really don't care kids. Let me please wash my hair!

4. Abby comes in to tell me she has tried to get something out of the fridge and accidentally knocked something over and now it is spilled everywhere. Okay, that's worth telling me about. But could you just be patient and wait for me to get out before you get something in the kitchen? And didn't I specifically tell you NOT to even go in there and to keep the gate locked? Because of course since the gate is open Andrew went upstairs and is wreaking havoc in your room, dear!

I should really get my rear out of bed and take a shower before they get up.

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