Friday, October 30, 2009

If you send a mom to the store for milk....

If you send a mom to the store for milk,
she'll decide to buy some cereal to go with it.
Getting the cereal will remind her that she's out of orange juice.
When grabbing the orange juice, she'll notice there's a great sale on toilet paper,
so she'll want to stock up.
Saving so much on toilet paper will make her think of the coupon she has for diapers.
In the diaper aisle, she will spot another mom and they'll chat about how school is going.
Talking about school will remind her she needs to buy fruit snacks for the lunchboxes.
Buying fruit snacks for the lunchboxes will make her think of her kids.
Thinking of her kids will make her realize that she needs to hurry to be at the bus stop on time.
When she meets the bus her kids will ask for a snack.
They'll decide they want cookies.
While eating the cookies, they will ask for a drink.
And chances are, if they ask for a drink,
Mom will head back to the store
for milk.

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